Owning a Arctic Cat Mountain Cat, also termed MountainCat” snowmobile is a pleasure – and knowing how to do the repairs and maintenance yourself is the way to save money and get even more enjoyment out of your machine. The easiest strategy to learn about these is with a Arctic Cat Mountain Cat snowmobile repair manual. However, all mountain cat manuals are not the same. They come in four types, each geared towards a different type of user:
- Factory Service Manuals
- Repair Manuals
- Owner’s Workshop Manuals
- Owner’s Manuals
Deciding on the type of Mountain cat manual you’ll need depends on your level of experience and the type of work you’re planning to perform on your sled. Here’s a breakdown of what each kind of manual will cover:
Factory Service Manuals (FSM)
These are the original OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) books from the maker available to only their dealers and their technicians, or approved mechanics. Their content covers the specifics of details for repairs on:
- Body, runners, and tracks
- Engine
- Brake systems
- Transmission, clutch and steering
- Instrumentation
- Exhaust and fuel systems
- Battery & charging systems, electrical distribution, and wiring and more
An FSM is technical and thorough, and will also cover the factory specifications, in addition to maintenance and repair.
Repair Manuals
Repair Manuals take the above information and make it more accessible. These are published by any number of after-market companies, and are designed for shop mechanics or owners who are comfortable with working on their own machines. They are intended to provide simple instructions on how to service and repair a particular brand and model of snowmobile. Repair Manuals will cover:
- Step-by-step instructions with recommended tools.
- Photos, with close-ups of details.
- Actual strip-down pictures that show the specific model’s components.
- Disassembly and reassembly guides
- Diagrams of expanded parts and colored wiring
- Advanced troubleshooting procedures
Owner’s Workshop Manuals (Shop Manuals)
Shop manuals are less detailed and geared towards the sled owner with fewer tools and experience, but the desire to learn to diagnose problems, perform maintenance, and know when to consult a mechanic. They will have a less technical approach, and cover DIY items such as:
- Maintenance and service
- Basic troubleshooting procedures.
- General repair
- These will also feature step-by-step instructions with photo guides and plenty of illustrations.
Owners manuals
An owner’s manual is the standard book that comes with your snowmobile. It will cover operation of the machine, location of controls and features, maintenance schedules, and general specifications for the machine. It assumes the owner will not be performing repairs themselves.
The proper Arctic Cat Mountain Cat manual for you depends on your level of comfort with snowmobile repair and maintenance. Whatever your knowledge and experience level, using a manual to become more acquainted with the maintenance and repair aspects of your machine will maximize your time out on the trail, save you money, and make you feel more comfortable with your sled.
I am looking for a service manual for my 2010 M8
There are downloadable manuals for every year make and model Arctic Cat, including M8 from 2000 thru 2018. Just follow the link near the top of the page to download a manual, some of the models include:
2001 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 1000
2001 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 500 EFI
2001 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 600 EFI
2001 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 600 EFI LE
2001 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 800
2001 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 800 LE
2002 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 570
2002 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 600 EFI
2002 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 600 EFI LE
2002 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 800
2002 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 800 LE
2002 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 800 EFI
2002 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 800 EFI LE
2002 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 800
2002 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 1000
2002 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 800
2003 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 570
2003 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 600 EFI
2003 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 800 EFI
2003 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 900
2003 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 900 1M
2004 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 570
2004 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 600 EFI
2004 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 800 EFI
2004 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 900
2005 Arctic Cat M5
2005 Arctic Cat M6
2005 Arctic Cat M7
2006 Arctic Cat M5 EFI
2006 Arctic Cat M6 EFI
2006 Arctic Cat M7
2006 Arctic Cat M7 EFI
2008 Arctic Cat M6
2008 Arctic Cat M 8
2008 Arctic Cat M1000
2009 Arctic Cat M 6
2009 Arctic Cat M8
2009 Arctic Cat M8 Sno Pro
2009 Arctic Cat M8 HCR
2009 Arctic Cat M1000
2009 Arctic Cat M1000 Sno Pro
2010 Arctic Cat M6
2010 Arctic Cat M8
2010 Arctic Cat M8 SnoPro
2010 Arctic Cat M8 HCR
2010 Arctic Cat M 1000 SnoPro
2011 Arctic Cat M8 HCR 153
2011 Arctic Cat M8 Sno Pro 153 Limited
2011 Arctic Cat M 8 Sno Pro 162
2011 Arctic Cat M8 Sno Pro 153
2013 Arctic Cat M 800
2013 Arctic Cat M 800 HCR
2013 Arctic Cat M 800 Sno Pro
2011 Arctic Cat M1000 Sno Pro 162
2012 Arctic Cat ProClimb M 1100 Turbo Sno Pro
2012 Arctic Cat ProClimb M 1100 Turbo
2012 Arctic Cat ProClimb M 1100 Sno Pro 50th
2012 Arctic Cat ProClimb M 1100 Sno Pro Limited
2012 Arctic Cat ProClimb M 1100 Sno Pro
2012 Arctic Cat ProClimb M 1100
2012 Arctic Cat ProClimb M 800 HCR